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Migrate photos and videos from Lightroom Classic CC to Lightroom CC
If you’ve already used a previous version of Lightroom, you might know that the application now comes in two distinct
• Lightroom CC, an all-in-one service where your photos are stored in their full resolution centrally in the cloud,
and synced with your computers and devices when you’re working on them.
• Lightroom Classic CC is a database application containing a catalog and records for each of your photos and
videos you may have imported. A record in the catalog includes a reference to where the photo lives on your
system; your instructions for processing the photo—for instance, the adjustments you applied; and photo
metadata, such as keywords and ratings.
You can easily migrate your catalogs from Lightroom Classic CC to Lightroom CC (Figure 9). When you do so,
Lightroom CC brings in each of your photos included in the catalog and uploads it to the cloud in its full resolution for
access across multiple devices and computers. Later, to save on disk space, you can even consider deleting those
photos from the local storage on your device.
Figure 9 Migrating photos from Lightroom Classic CC to Lightroom CC
When migration is complete, Lightroom CC displays a confirmation dialog. You can now edit, organize, and share your
photos using Lightroom CC and take full advantage of the power of device synchronization and cloud computing.
To learn how to how to transition you photos, please see Adobe Help Migrate photos and videos from Lightroom
Classic CC to Lightroom CC.